
YellowCarrot.it, the charme of yellow

Yellow Carrot

Same as Purple Carrot, Yellow Carrot is originally from Afghanistan, Iran and Pakistan dating back around 1.000 AD. It started to be grown in the Eastern Mediterranean Countries only in the 13th Century.
It was the influence of patriotic Dutch growers, during the sixteenth Century, to turn the carrot orange to honour their national colours: orange carrots quickly dominated the world and became the most popular colour in modern agri-business.

Yellow carrots are popular for their benefits for human health.
They contain xanthophyll, pigments similar to beta carotene, and lutein that is an hydroxy-carotenoid constituting the macular pigment of the human retina both important for eyes health and cancer prevention. Lutein and xanthophylls also help protecting against cataracts and hardening of the arteries.
The more lutein we intake from foods the less it is the risk of macular degeneration.Lutein from yellow carrots significantly increases lutein concentration more than other sources.(American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Vol. 80, No. 1, 131-136, July 2004).
Romans used seeds and tops as protection against some types of poisons and also as aphrodisiac food.
During the 14th Century yellow carrots were cultivated in southern Europe and sold only in specialty food shops in India.
Fresh and crunchy, slightly sweeter compared to commonly orange carrots, the yellow is delicious when you eat it raw and their bright colour is maintained after cooking: they add colours to salads.
Aureli Mario Co. grows yellow carrots in Italy, transforming them into juices purees or concentrates, as well as dehydrates for several applications:
• Beverages, smoothies, baby food, Soups, souces, dipping, dressings
• Seasoning,filling, topping, ice- cream,broth, boullion cube, fresh and egg pasta, gluten free pasta
• Natural aromas and colorings,
• Baked food, confectionary, pastry, diary, Pet Food, animal feed,
• Food supplements, dietetic food, gluten free food,

Aureli is specialized in high nutritional vegetables and has more than 25 varieties in its portfolio of processed vegetables. Visit our website www.aurelimario.com for any info or follow us in the most important Food Exhibitions all over the World.


Our fresh harvested vegetables are soon processed into natural, at zero residues, organic and baby food Ingredients.


Yellow carrot is an important source of lutein and xtanthophylls, pigments similar to beta-carotene. These pigments improve eye health, reducing the risk of cataracts and macular degeneration of the retina. They have also beneficial effects on the lungs and prevent arteriosclerosis.


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